Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Nude Summer 2014.

It's summer 2014 at last. Winter seemed to be too long, especially if wearing clothes becomes a big hassle in your life.

At Vyedam Resort, we are having some great times, just relaxing during weekends and getting away from the city with its noise and all its plastic Christmas bells.

So, if you are a visiting international nudist and by any chance also enjoy some nude recreation, visit our website, or leave me a message right here on my blog. I always answer any comments. South African nudists are likewise also welcome to pay us a visit. We, at Vyedam Resort, is the only resort where we gladly accept single people and there is no discrimination against gender, race or sexual orientation. We are all just there to live our nudist lifestyle. Families are also welcome.

Vyedam Resort is located just about 1 hour's drive from Johannesburg and before you get to the resort you will have to travel on a 7 kilometer gravel road. The gravel road is not to bad, given all the rain we recently had and it will surely not cause any damage to your vehicle.

Around the immediate area there are a lot of other activities, but I know from experience that once you have settled in at Vyedam Resort the relaxation will just take hold of you and you will not be in a mood to go anywhere else.  Hot air ballooning is just one of the exciting activities, which are a few kilometers away from Vyedam Resort.

We have regular parties at the resort, which are just ordinary fun parties. No nonsense!

Come join us and enjoy the freedom, which living without clothes offer you.



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